Talk-Shop - An opportunity to delve deep into the topic of the Soul Trap.

A day’s Talk/Workshop covering the topic of reincarnation and specifically the Soul Trap.

Topics covered:

  • Basic introduction to the concept of the Soul Trap.

  • Defining the unassailable, watertight evidence for the concept of reincarnation and paranormal experiences.

  • Outlining specific, antagonistic arguments to reincarnation and paranormal activities - with strong counterarguments. This knowledge is imperative when sharing this information!

  • Touching on the contrasting, controversial and even divisive opinions within the Soul Trap arena.

  • Observations of elements which condition us in this world; and consequently set us up for further incarnations.

  • An overview of recommended books. Many will be available for you to physically view.

  • Suggestions and open discussion on how we can avoid further incarnations (Soul Trap).

  • Suggestions for future events: training, propagation/outreach (fair stall, educational talks in colleges, etc), social events, gatherings, networking, support on setting up your own local meet up group, etc.

The Talk-Shop is aimed to give you an overview of these important topics, as well as an opportunity to flesh out these topics; plus the chance to meet others who share interest in the Soul Trap.

The theme of the Talk-Shop will be open, transparent and friendly; despite the potential for varying viewpoints.

The Talk-Shop will be non-profit - we just need to cover the cost of hiring the room - any minimum donations towards The Sovereignty Group are welcome, not expected. *

There will be an opportunity afterwards to go to a Tai restaurant at the end of the day.

The times of the Talk-Shop will probably be between Midday and 6pm. *

The event will be in Lewes, in East Sussex. *


* The cost, date and actual location are dependent on the interest we receive. Unfortunately at present the Soul Trap is a super niche topic, with very few people taking interest in it. However, we have to try :-)